Monday, 29 April 2013

UCA international staff exchange project in CAFA Beijing, China

Attached few pictures from my 2-week stay in Beijing, China. My colleague, Hannah and I were sent to UCA partner Central Academy of Fine Art to deliver a series of art and design projects with embedded EAP. The experience was immensely fascinating on many levels. Details to be posted soon. Watch this space! Hannah and I are hoping to deliver a presentation on our experience at Learning and Teaching Conference at UCA in September 2013.

Poster to be presented at UoR IoE Doctoral Researcher Seminar

Here's my first attempt with a conference poster - not too bad, huh? I would prefer more visual input on it but the directions were to keep it simple and academic. I'll be presenting it during next week's University of Reading Institute of Education Doctoral Researcher Seminar. The poster has been updated with the recent decision of narrowing down the research to UCA context only as reaching participants at UoR turned out to be extremaly difficult.